Friday, April 20, 2012

Let's take the Keratin head on!

Chicken skin. Milk spots. KP. Are you one of the silent sufferers of this horrid skin condition? I am. And I really am sick of hearing how it's harmless and that we should embrace it, because no one really minds. But hello! Try living with rough bumpy skin. Try spending hot sweaty days in long sleeves to avoid stares. It really isn't good for the mind to be constantly obsessed with hiding the arms. And constantly dealing with statements like - Eeww.. whats that on your arms. 

I recently read - that KP might be linked to gluten intolerance. And that going on a gluten free diet reduces the nasty bumps considerably. Although there aren't any scientific/medical studies to prove this - I have read countless instances of anecdotal evidence online -and though I'm usually skeptical when it comes to internet health forums, I will try go all the way and venture forth into the gluten free territory. We KP people are suckers for all sorts of cures.

Speaking from personal experience - ever since I moved to the first world, my KP has increased significantly. It used to previously cover the back of my upper arms - but now it's spread all over my arms and looks absolutely hideous. If gluten is the culprit - then it all makes sense. Back home, carbo-loading was usually through rice which is one of the few gluten free grains. I do remember however, that my KP worsened when I adopted a diet of wheat pancakes for dinner almost every night. After moving to the United Kingdom, my source of carbohydrates has usually been wheat and it's derivatives - which is probably why my condition has exacerbated. 

I start my gluten free diet today and will follow up as often as I can with updates. According to the nice folks on the internet - it takes anything between one and six months for any visible change. I'm hoping that I start seeing effects in a month. 

This blog will function as a sort of a journal slash notebook for all KP  and gluten related information I feel are relevant and useful. Please feel free to comment and share your experiences. 

Let's wait. And watch. 


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